One by one the progressive mayors and college presidents across the south have been chipping away at not only our heritage, but the honor of fallen heroes, many of who died in the great 'War for Southern Independence'. Actually those who would tear down these Confederate Monuments could care less about the statues themselves. It's not about these pieces of stone and bronze stained by the years. It's a power struggle between progressives and conservatives. I thought this was settled, a least for a short while with the election of Donald Trump. I was wrong, and now I fear we are on the losing side once again. Some of us are fighting back. The purpose of this blog is to inform you there is hope. We are attempting to raise funds to erect plaques honoring our fallen Confederate boys in gray. Plaques that will grace the town squares of small towns in the South where they will be welcome. Towns where the voters still have some common sense, unlike those idiots in the large cities and those poor lost young people in our universities. All denotations will be appreciated with the lion's share going to preserve the memory of those who fought and died in that great conflict.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One-eyed Jack

I generally, like to poke fun at this new occupant of the White House thinking like most that this is only another president and that things will change after the next election. But I'm beginning to face the stark reality that this maniac, this madman, could in just a few years destroy what its taken this country hundreds of years to build. I suppose the final straw for me was the new health care plan. Obama with his twisted understanding of history and his alien social and economic ideals, many of which he learned from the years he spent in the pews of Pastor Wright's church; will in the end not only change this country, as he has promised, but will destroy the very fabric of this great nation. He plan represents a threat far more formidable than any invading army could mount. Great nations generally fall from within, their fate sealed by the common masses who fail to see or understand the onrushing events. Events that are obvious to a few and invisible to the many. Such is the position we find ourselves in now. This man, this misguided fool, must be stopped. I beg, I plead, I pray that each of you raise the alarm---the enemy is not at the gates, but in the house; its not the Russians, its not the terrorist, its not the Iranians--its a charming, likable, young man who wants change. Unfortunately, its a change that will destroy this nation and its way of life. All despots think theirs in the road to greatness for their people's and this leader is no different. No doubt about it, he is a leader and his followers love and adore him and they wait with eager anticipation for his next words and the next words will come and flow over the masses and they believe. They compare him to past great leaders and look to him to provide them with a better life. He promises more and more and the people believe and revel in the changes he trumpets. Changes that will give birth to a new nation, changes for a new millennium. A casting aside of the old order and the establishment of a new utopian-like society where all the needs of the common man will be met. He tells the masses that our problems are so great that only government can solve them and he will lead us to greatness again. His vision of American is a dark one, remember he sat in Pastor Wright's pews for years and was completely indoctrinated by his message of an "evil and corrupt" nation. He disavowed him when it suited his purpose, but gradually we are seeing his true feeling about the Pastor's teachings emerge. Obama, in the end will reveal himself, but by that time it may be too late for this great nation to recover. Help me reveal, help me expose the other face of this "One-eyed Jack".

by Ron Russell

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