Air Force One will spirit our great commander-in-chief off to "Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen" , as the old song goes, this week while American troops are dying in the mountains of Afghanistan awaiting their fearless leader's decision to send re-enforcements to help them in the great battle against Islamic terrorist. This guy spends more time on Air Force One than a black Chicago pimp spends in his elongated black car with its fur-covered seats riding around checking on his "hoe's". Leading me to wonder who does the work back at the Oval Office, I suppose its those many Czars which we know little about. In my view Barack is fast becoming the "pimp-in-chief" instead of the "Commander-in-Chief". This new "Pimp-in-Chief is literally going to the street corners of the world and selling his goods to dumb "whitey". Enjoy your trip Barry, enjoy meeting up with Michelle who will arrive ahead of you, enjoy the fine restaurants and the Danish pastries, enjoy the good life while our brave troops are dying in the field. Yes, you fake command-in-chief, you two-faced coward enjoy yourself now for the clock is ticking and time is winding down for you sir are about to be busted by an angry America.
Obama Draws Criticism for Pausing to Promote Chicago Olympics Bid
The White House announced Monday that the president will travel Thursday night to Copenhagen to make a personal appearance before the International Olympic Committee to promote Chicago as the host city for the 2016 Summer Games.
President Obama is taking his eye off the ball, his critics say, chiding him for his plan to travel to Denmark to make the case for having his hometown of Chicago host the 2016 Olympics.
The White House announced Monday that the president will travel Thursday night to Copenhagen to make a personal appearance before the International Olympic Committee as it prepares to announce the host city for the 2016 Summer Games. Obama will join his wife, Michelle, who is leading the U.S. delegation, along with senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
But with the health care debate still brewing, with Iran stoking international concerns over its nuclear program and with a decision pending on how to deal with the rising violence in Afghanistan, the president will be leaving at a key time for his administration.
read full story at FOX News
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