Those on the left have been busy, very busy rewriting our great history to fit their perverted idea of what American has been in an attempt to corrupt the minds of the future generations to insure the America they dream of. And sadly, I must admit that in many cases they have been successful. While Americans slept, the Trojan Horse of revisionism has been brought into our schools, into our homes and into our life's. The great gilded Trojan Horse has been adorned with layers of enlightenment ,modern progressivism, and a shining new truth. But inside this great marvel lies an ugliness, a lie, a deception and a ticking bomb that can if left unchecked can destroy traditional American values.
As I sit writing the final lines of this post I am still stuck by the words of my grandson, "I always thought Oswald was a right winger". This drove the point of what I already knew home, more than any article by a great writer ever could. This was my grandson, and I knew at that moment that his young mind had been filled by the grand lies of "revisionist history".
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